Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Taste of New Zealand

Good'ay to all our family and friends! It has been quite some time since we have last written on our blog. We do apologize, but at the same time, we have truly been wrapped up in living in the moment, trying to spend as much time with family and friends as we could before we left for New Zealand. September 15th we decided to come to New Zealand and now it November 25th, and here we are at some cousins house right outside Auckland, finally making a little time to really reflect and share on all the memories we've had since leaving Alaska and our first week and a half in New Zealand. Although for the time being we are jumping right into our experience here in New Zealand, we will also catch up on the past two months adventures with family and friends very soon :)
At the Seattle airport, about to begin our adventure!
After a long but enjoyable day of traveling, we arrived in Auckland on November 13th. When we got off the plane, it truly sunk in that we were actually here in New Zealand! We were greeted by many relatives, some of which we met for the first time right there in the airport! After quickly realizing we over packed, we hauled all our luggage and gear into two small cars and were on our way! Auckland is the most populated city in New Zealand, with about 1.5 million people, over a third of the entire population. It is also going into summertime here, so we were greeted with some warm weather. We have quickly adjusted from the rainy (but beautiful) WA autumn to the warm New Zealand spring.

Yes, Ashlie, this Fiji water is from FIJI! 

*People are very friendly and incredibly laid back
*You drive on the left side of the street. No this is not necessarily the wrong side, just different. The Driver's seat is also on the right side of the car
*The land is absolutely beautiful. The countryside is full of endless rolling hills, the beaches are breathtaking and refreshing, and overall, there is just so much life to the country.
*Lemon trees everywhere!
*Food is very fresh. The tropical, warm climate of NZ, makes it able to grow many fruits and vegetables.
*Many more birds everywhere! They are of all different colors and sizes. We have really enjoyed waking up to birds chirping
*SHEEP! yes, the pictures and what you hear are indeed true. There are sheep everywhere! However, the people here don't eat as much sheep as you would have expected. The majority is actually exported.
*Metric System: No, we cannot drive 100 Miles/hour, but 100 Kilos/hour. :)
*Gas is referred to as Petrol, and sold in Liters rather than Gallons. One Liter of Petrol is over $2.00. Needless to say, we have learned very quickly that New Zealand is not a cheap place to live.
*Minimum wage is $13.50 (time to start looking for jobs!)

Exploring down town Auckland

The Coast of Coromandel Peninsula. Beautiful!

From the moment we were greeted by family at the airport, we have quickly begun to spend time and get to know Jacob's family and relatives. It has been fun learning more about family history, as well as quite entertaining to hear stories of Jacob's father and the uncles all growing up. It is nice to put faces to the names and stories we've heard. It's been over ten years since Jacob was here last, and it was only a short visit. Needless to say, there is an entire family we hardly even know, but are so happy and blessed to have the time to spend some time with the Hirst family!

Our first week and a half here we have spent some time on the Coromandel Peninsula, in an old mining town, Thames, with Jacob's Uncle Ross and his partner Gay. Jacob's uncle Billy and his partner Geeny also live in Thames. While in Thames we learned quite a lot about the game of Bowles, a common activity retired communities participate in, and both families really enjoy! Jacob's uncle Brian and his wife Shirlie, who live in Australia, also visited Thames while we were in town; a pleasant surprise, which led to a night of fun with all three uncles and family. 
A room full of Hirst men is indeed a scary thing ;) We also bought a van, which we are converting into a camper van. Crazy! It will be our home on wheels :) Once our van was somewhat suitable, we explored the beautiful coast of the Coromandel Peninsula, camped out on the beach, and found God's humor in getting our first flat tire in the middle of no where. In Thames, we also celebrated and shared our Thanksgiving Day with Ross and Gay. Thanksgiving was different being in NZ where it is not celebrated, yet it was fun to make dinner for family and teach them a little bit about how we celebrate Thanksgiving in the States. We couldn't find a fresh turkey in time, but the chicken turned out great!

from left to right, Uncle Brian, Uncle Ross, Jacob, and Uncle Billy

Vilma, Charle, and Jacob (Friends of Ross and Gay, also old friends of Jacob's Dad)

Thames Fun Run supporting Save the Children, I participated in the Half Marathon. A Rainy, miserable run, but worth it!

The "Loser Cruiser!" This is our new van!

This is serious business...a fun day at Thames Bowling Club!

Ross about to have a killer bowl!

Our delicious Thanksgiving CHICKEN!

our meal-chicken, NZ buttercup squash, stuffing, and green salad.

Individual Pecan Pies...divine! A slice of heaven!

Beautiful beaches along the Coromandel Peninsula



Our first tenting adventure, on the beach in Colville.

It doesn't get much better than this!

Finally...he gets to fish!

What's that noise?? Thump, thump thump...we've got a flat!

Jacob is the best!

We are currently spending some time in Ararimu, the countryside of Auckland, with Jacob's cousin Tania and her husband Eric. Here we have been quite intrigued as we learn about their sustainable lifestyle. It has been fun to watch, learn, and try and help make delicious meals from fresh, local, and organic food. We got to go to a couple local markets they visit every weekend to get all the fresh foods they don't already grow or raise themselves. We have spent a lot of time sipping tea, enjoying a bold fresh "small black" (coffee), discovering local cafes, and visiting. Fun and enjoyable times indeed! We also took a lovely walk to One Tree Hill-a monument overlooking all of Auckland. It was a nice hike to the top, and the view was more than worth it!

Our first hike to Hunua Falls!
Jacob and Tania


One Tree Hill: A beautiful monument overlooking all of Auckland.
At the top of One Tree Hill

Tania, Eric, Jacob, and I

We are definitely enjoying our time so far in New Zealand. Of course, it is always a challenge being away from family and friends, but having family here is also very comforting. Every day it seems that we learn something new about the culture, family, or even each other. While traveling, everything is constantly changing. There isn't a lot of consistency, which at times is challenging.  We have been reminded that where ever we go, cultures, people, lifestyles, etc. are all different. As we travel we are always meeting new people, staying with different relatives, trying to adapt to where we are staying, and learning new things. Although fun, sometimes it seems chaotic. However, amidst the chaos we find peace knowing that the one constant in our lives is God. Praise the Lord that He is our rock. He does not change, His love does not lessen, His promises are true and forever, and for that we truly give thanks and rejoice!

Thank you for your continual support, love, and prayers!

Jacob and Jordan :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Next Stop: New Zealand!

 “Ask and you shall receive”

About a week ago, God’s will for Jacob and I became a little clearer. We have spent the first few months of our marriage up in Kenai Alaska. It has been am amazing summer to say the least. Although there have been some challenges and the fishing has not been the best this summer, it has been such a learning experience and incredible first season of marriage. Throughout the summer we have mentioned different options for when the summer is over…move back to Washington, live with friends for a while, move to the Portland area, travel? If we travel, where to? Kenai, Uganda, New Zealand? So many different options have crossed out mind. The amazing, yet scary part is, there are so many options and decisions to be made. But together, we get to pathe our future and with every choice we make, create the life we want to live.

About a month ago there was a guest speaker, Todd Bentley, at the church we have been attending this summer. Throughout the conference one of the big take aways for us was “ask and you shall receive.” Having an attitude of expectancy, without any doubt. The Lord provides our daily bread, so there is no need to worry or be anxious about the life or our future.
  (Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the doors will be opened to you.")

Another key point that really resignated with us was living a life according to God’s will. Living a life with purpose and intention. What did that look like? The new point of discussion and prayer for us then became “Where is God’s will for us in the Winter?” While there are so many different options and opportunities for us, we want to go with purpose.

Throughout the summer we have both really been drawn to New Zealand. Jacob has a lot of relatives in NZ and “family” and discovering our roots seemed like a good place to start. It must have been a Saturday afternoon when I prayed to God “Please make it be known if NZ is where we should be.” With a mentality of expectancy I truly hoped and believed God would give us some kind of guidance and direction. The next seven days, the most incredible, clearly God-ordained events occurred. Every day “New Zealand” came up throughout the day—whether that be on the radio, through discussion with guests at the lodge, a sermon at church, emails from our boss, or conversation with strangers. Every day, the Lord quietly, but very distinctly spoke to us. Wow! Ask and you shall receive. By the end of the week, it became very clear that New Zealand is where we will be spending the next season of life. We are unsure of how long we will stay and exact plans while there, but that’s the beauty and fun in it! We will definitely be spending more time in prayer for more guidance and direction of God’s purpose for us in NZ. We are so excited to go! November 13 the journey will begin. Prior to that we are really looking forward to spending time with both our families and friends in the south and northwest.

Itinerary for the next 2 months before we leave: 
September 27: Leave for WA-Roadtrip from Kenai, Alaska to Tacoma, WA
October 3: Fly from Seattle, WA to Dallas, TX to spend time with Hirst family and go to Jacob’s cousin’s wedding
October 24: Fly from Dallas, TX to Seattle WA to spend time with the Daniels family
November 13: Leave Seattle, WA to Auckland, New Zealand!!

Fun Facts about New Zealand:
- The Maori were the first to arrive in NZ, journeying in canoes from Hawaii about 1,000 years ago.
- Population: about 4 million people
- There are about 9 times as many sheep in NZ than people (The # varies depending on location). 36 million sheep!
- New Zealand is about the size of Colorado, Japan, or Great Britain
- It will be the end of Spring and the beginning of Summer when we arrive.
- The emergency number is 111
-A New Zealander is known as a "Kiwi"

See you all soon~
~Jacob and Jordan :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

A visit from the Family!

It's been about a week now since Jacob and I had a wonderful visit from my family. My mom, dad, brother, and nanny, all traveled from Washington for a week to visit the honeymooners up in Alaska. What a well-needed, wonderful time we had together. God has perfect timing, as this was the first week the lodge wasn't full. There was only one other family staying here, so Jacob and I were able to spend more time with family than anticipated! It ended up being a mini vacation for us too :) We got to go on lots of adventures together, exploring Alaska and the Kenai Peninsula. Jacob and I were able to see things we hadn't yet explored since being up here, which was really fun. It was a fun, crazy, week full of fishing, exploring, hiking, site-seeing, visiting, and of course, eating delicious food together! It was nice being able to spend time with my parents, brother, and nanny after not seeing them since we got married in May. There's no better times than evenings around the campfire, eating a wonderfully prepared dinner by my mom, and just being able to catch up and talk. Like most good times, it went by all too fast, and by the end of the week, we were exhausted, yet couldn't believe it was already time for my family to go home. This last week we really got a sense of how precious time is, and how sometimes there is never enough time, and all we can do is make the most out of what God gives us. Every day is a blessing! This last week was full of blessings and good memories!

We started out the week all going out fishing with Jacob on the Kenai River. How fun!! We have never all been fishing together before, but we had so much fun! We were Silver Salmon fishing, but definitely battling with the Pink Salmon in the River too. Of course, mom was the first the catch a fish and every time she put her line in, it seemed she had a fish on! What a true fisherwoman!! We all ended up catching multiple pinks, but only mom caught a silver...which made for a great salmon dinner later that night! We had so much fun on the river!

We also made a road trip to Homer, the southern tip of the Kenai Peninsula and "Halibut Capital of the World." What a beautiful place. The mountains and glaciers that engulfed this small fishing harbor was absolutely magnificent! We stopped at a fun coffee shop/bakery, "The Two Sisters Bakery" on our way end for some coffee and a treat, which was absolutely delicious! We then headed to the spit and all the gift shopping and seafood that entailed. We stopped by the Salty Dog Saloon, a small local saloon which is known to all the fishermen in Homer. The tradition is to pin a dollar on the wall, so of course we added our own! Put it in a special place and if we ever make it down to Homer again, we will see if it's still there! It was fun visiting with local shop keepers and artists, as well as the halibut cleaners and fishermen. Homer is a wonderful town with laid back, friendly people! We would love to visit again and explore and hike the surrounding mountains, fish, and just relax.

We also were able to spend quite a bit of time on the upper and middle Kenai last week. Jacob usually fishes on the lower Kenai, which is in town (the upper and middle Kenai are out of town, more in the mountains). It was nice and peaceful to be able to get out of town and just be out in the mountains.

One day my family and I went on a beautiful hike to the Russian River Falls.  The hike was about a 4 1/2 mile hike and we all made it to the Falls, praise the Lord! At the Falls there were literally thousands of salmon spawning and trying to make it up the river. It was incredible to see! They had already traveled all the way up the river and were now trying to make it up the falls. I have never seen anything like it. It was amazing to be so close and connected to nature. Overall, we had a wonderful hike and really enjoyed being out in the wilderness together. 

The last day the boys and I went on a trip down the Canyon (also located on the upper Kenai). Wow! It was the first time I had every tried fly fishing...I have a lot to learn :) This was the most beautiful day and scenery. We didn't see another person for over three hours as Jacob rowed and guided us through the Canyon. It was so peaceful and nice. It was an enjoyable trip. By the time we got through the Canyon, we ended up at Lake Skilak. Where usually you would then attach a motor to the drift boat and motor to the take-out partially down the lake, we did not have a motor. We spent the next three hours rowing through Lake Skilak (Jacob and Erik rowing),  which was quite the adventure, full of laughs, and dilerium. haha But we completely  enjoyed the absolutely beautiful creation before us and the fellowship between us. It was an afternoon we truly won't forget.

Like I mentioned earlier, our week was busy, yet every day an adventure of discovering something new the beautiful state of Alaska has to offer. We still can't believe how fast the week came and went; it seems like just yesterday I was counting down the days to see my family. Here we are once again, counting down the days. We are blessed and happy we were able to spend a week with my family. Thank you Mom, Dad, Erik, and Nanny for such a fun time. We love you!

Mom and I overlooking the beautiful Kenai River

All of us overlooking beautiful Homer, AK

Outside the Salty Dawg, all bundled up!

The four sojourners!

Mom is a true fisherwoman!

Nice catch!

FISH ON! way to go Nanny!

Dad, always having a good time and making us laugh!


We made it to the top! Russian River Falls


Campfire with Catdaddy, our Alaskan papa

absolutely beautiful

Going through the Canyon

We Made it! After such a long, but wonderful trip through the Canyon!

Until next time,
The Hirsts :)

Friday, August 3, 2012


Once again, time seems to have gone by so fast. We can’t believe it’s already August and over half the summer is already over with. Wow! The past few weeks have been full of transitions. Amidst the chaos and business at the lodge, we have been learning the importance of balance.

It has been about three weeks since I took on a new position as lodge mama at Jimmie Jack’s Lodge. Wow. What a joy it has been. The first week was a bit overwhelming, trying to figure out the ins and outs of everything the job entails. Learning how to feed 20 people everyday is a challenge! Now that I have a better grocery shopping routine down, it isn’t quite so overwhelming. It has been fun cooking new things for breakfast. Right now the new favorites are the Cowboy Scramble (which includes a little bit of everything-sausage, eggs, hashbrowns and veggies) and the Oatmeal Bar! Early mornings are beginning to wear on me, but Praise God because somehow He gives me the energy everyday to wake up bright and early, ready to begin the day and feed everyone.

One thing I wish I had more of are family recipies! If anyone would like to send a good homemade recipe for dinner (trying to utilize the crock pot more), a breakfast (that would be good to feed 15-20 people), or a baked good, please send them my way! I have enjoyed baking and cooking a little bit (see the picture of my mom’s great banana bread below…didn’t turn out as good as hers), but want to try new things!

It has been so fun meeting new people and families every week. The picture of the family below is of Papa Don, his son, and two grandsons from Georgia. (Shout out to Ashleigh Duckett!) This was such a kind family. Don just recovered from very serious heart complications, which almost put a hault to their trip. Thankfully, a miracle occurred and his left ventricle healed itself, making Don healthy again and able to come to Alaska. Every week we meet incredible people, but this family is definitely one that will always be remembered.

Such a wonderful family with Papa Don. 
God continues to answer prayers, as I now am able to go to church on Sundays and have part of the afternoon off. Which is so wonderful, might I add!! We have a couple new helpers around the lodge, which is very nice, and will be very useful, especially when Cassie, my main lodge assistant leaves in a week to head home to Minnesota. Thankfully, the busy season is over and the rest of the summer won’t be as crazy.

We are also so thankful for the church community we have found and friendships that have evolved from there. It has been fun hanging out with a family we met, and the fun we have had with them. Again, God has answered prayers of friendship and we are so happy!

Cassie Sharp lodge assistant and friend!
FISHING UPDATE: When we posted out last blog the Sockeye salmon run had just begun. This has kept the guides very busy! The limit was six fish per person, and they usually take out four people per boat. If everyone gets their limit, this adds up to about 24 fish to fillet Wow! After about two and a half weeks, it is slowing down and the Silver salmon are in. The residents are beginning to travel home, after catching their year’s worth of fish. Town has been incredibly busy, so we are looking forward to it being a little quieter once again. Jacob is also looking forward to fishing from the boat again, hopefully doing more trout fishing (and fly fishing), and not filleting 24 fish every day.

Jacob with one of the boys we had at the lodge
Look at all those sockeye!
this was a record king for catch and release. 51 inches!
As previously mentioned, we are learning and continue to discover what it means to stay balanced, more specifically, turn “off” work mode and really spend time with each other. It is a challenge to turn off being the lodge mama and fishing guide when we live here, but we have begun to realize how important and necessary it is for both of us. This last week we decided to go on an adventure and spend some time together. After an early day, we decided to make the drive up to Girwood (right outside of Anchorage) and go out to eat at a very well-known restaurant, the Double Musky. It is about a 2 ½ hour drive to Girwood, which would make a long day trip, but we decided it would be worth it. I hadn’t driven the route to or from Anchorage to Kenai, and had only heard how beautiful it was. Wow! It was so beautiful. We were in awe of the powerful mountains, glaciers, and hills that surrounded us. It was a peaceful drive and also so refreshing to just relax and spend time together. We ate dinner at this fun Cajun restaurant, which was a fun atmosphere and the best food we have had yet up here. We highly recommend it!  Overall, it was a fun, well-needed get-away. On our way back we actually stopped at a place called Cooper’s Landing, and I saw my first grizzly bear! This bear was huge! He was fishing across the river, and we were glad that the powerful Kenai was between us J
Out trip to Girwood. So beautiful!

Such a beautiful drive from Kenai to Anchorage
The Alaskan Railroad
As we go into August, we really look forward to my family coming up to visit on the 12th. It will be so wonderful to get to spend time with them for the week. We can’t wait! And congratulations Mom and Dad on your anniversary tomorrow! We continue to pray for God’s guidance throughout the summer and looking into the future, especially on our transition into the Winter and where God wills us to be. There are a lot of decisions and choices to be made, so prayers for that are always appreciated!

We love you all!
At the Double Musky. Such a fun restaurant and date, celebrating our two month anniversary! (It's the little things in life)

~The Hirsts :)