Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Queen Charlotte Track

Here are some pictures from the very first section of the our newest adventure, the Te Araroa trail, or as I like to call it the TA. The last time we updated we said that we spent a few days in Picton on the south island while getting ready to head to ship cove. Well we made it to ship cove and these pictures are the proof!

Now these pictures are not in that great of order since we are using a computer that is somewhat foreign to us and the fact that we only have a small fragment of time to upload them, but we hope you all enjoy them none the less.

The Queen Charlotte Track is a beautiful trail that goes from Ship Cove in the Marlborough sound to Anakiwa. It is even more beautiful when the weather cooperates, and man we were super duper blessed with weather on this trip! We only saw a little bit of wind and that was it!

We met a lot of really cool people on our trip and we even met a couple of fellows that are doing the TA as well, their names are Lars and Bas, the boys from the Netherlands. Hopefully we will get a good picture of all us soon while we are on our next section. Another friend that we made was a guy by the name of Jens, and we spent a few days hiking with Jens. Jens is from Germany and just got his masters in mechanical engineering, very cool guy and a pleasure to spend a few days with. He was one of the few people on the trail other than the TA walkers who were actually carrying all the gear. Most people on the trail had water taxi's or lodges move their stuff from one place to another by boat, making the travel inbetween very lightweight. We went with the heavier option and just carried them the whole way, which was good training for the rest to come.

The next section we are starting on is actually two tracks but it is better to describe them as one as we will be hiking them as one in a 9 day hike. They are the Pelorus River Track/Richmond Alpine Track. Check them out on a map or go to

Also you will see that we celebrated with a mussel feast at the end in Havelock, the green-lipped mussel capital of the world! So YUM!


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